Get to know Luke

Our rhythmic record collector with endless enthusiasm

Tell us about your (professional) self?

I am a fast-learning designer, absorbing tons of information with a focus on graphic design and video. I lend a helping hand wherever needed, from preparing presentations to writing social media copy, and I'm gathering as much experience as possible to become the best creative I can.

So... why Transform?

I love our variety of clients. Being able to work across a variety of industries every day is very exciting, and there is always a new challenge. I also love the area we are based in, with the Mells countryside being a great place to spend a lunch break.

What keeps you
driven, passionate
and challenged?

Competing with myself. I am always trying to better what I have already done, striving for continuous improvement.

Enough business...what do you do for fun?

Music. It’s pretty much my whole personality. I’m either listening to my vinyl collection at home or at gigs seeing an eclectic range of bands live. I am a firm believer that there is too much music to pick favourites. If I’m not listening to other people’s music, I am probably making my own music, whether that’s with my full band, or by myself. I play guitar, bass and synth (among many other random instruments).

Lightning round!

  • Coffee or tea? No hot drinks for me!
  • Signature drink? Pint of lemonade, no ice (adventurous, I know!)
  • Signature dish? Tomato pasta
  • Sweet or savoury? Sweet
  • Morning person or night owl? Night owl but I do love early sunrises
  • It’s your day off – where will we find you? At a gig  
  • Star sign? Saggytearius (or something like that)
  • Favourite season? All of them!!!
  • Favourite album, book, movie and TV show? ALBUM: Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld by The Orb is my most streamed album on Spotify. BOOK: The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. MOVIE: Shark Tale. TV SHOW: Ted Lasso.
  • What’s your pub quiz category? Apparently, it’s Sports people whose surnames begin with a B.
  • Favourite quote? If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding. How can you have pudding if you don’t eat your meat? – The Schoolmaster

Four photos about you with
absolutely no context

Content by 

Luke Brichard-Parsons

This person hasn't written any content yet, but they will soon!

You need to meet my colleagues